Improving practice facilities for legendary program

Field Rendering of practice field in the Everest Indoor Training Facility.

Field Rendering of practice field in the Everest Indoor Training Facility.

After The University of Oklahoma won their second straight big 12 conference title with a 9 and 0 record and beating Auburn University in the sugar bowl 35 to 19 they decided to upgrade their practice facilities to increase their success in the upcoming years.

Both the Everest Indoor Training Facility, which is an indoor facility that holds a full-size field as well as simulated stadium light and a scoreboard, and the Bud Wilkinson Practice facility which consists of two natural grass fields as well as one artificial field. Mid-America Sports Construction is installing both of the synthetic fields in each facility.

Each newly installed field will include AstroTurf’s RootZone 3D3 Blend product, which uses a High Micron Minofilament fiber to resist wear and tear and also is proven to stand upright over time even with the field in high use. This RootZone layer also holds infill in place preventing compaction, splash, and migration. By preventing the infill from doing these three things the field has better performance, more durability, and is safer for the players.